Screen Recording apps are used for creating “Show what you know” videos. The apps are basically a blank white board that records drawing along with audio narration. Usually images can be inserted into the videos and annotated. They are great for student or teacher created tutorials.
Some examples in the classroom might be:
- Math- Students solve a math problem and explain their thinking.
- Science- Illustrate and explain various cycles: Water Cycle, Moon Phases, Life Cycle. Label and explain photos such as parts of plants, parts of cells, parts of an ecosystem Explain the steps in an experiment.
- SS- Place a map on the background and students draw/explain westward expansion across the United States.
- ELA- Retell a story. Storyboard a piece of writing. Create and explain a thinking map about a book character. Illustrate and recite poetry.
- Other- Teachers create instructional videos for students and link or embed on their webpages.

My Favorite Screen Recording App
Doceri is my favorite screen recording app because it’s the only one I’ve seen that lets you save the recording directly to the camera roll. Once it's on the camera roll you can easily add it to Keynote or iMovie projects or email it. Plus there's no login required!
Other Options:
Screen Chomp is another great option because no account is needed. Finished products are uploaded to the Screen Chomp website and you can copy, email, or Tweet the link.
Show Me requires an account to share but one account can be created for the entire class. Then students are able to easily view each other's videos on their iPads through the app (without having to have a link to a website).
Educreations also requires an account to share. Once the videos are uploaded to the Educreations website, the final products can be linked or embedded in a website or blog post.
What’s your favorite screen recording app and why? Leave us a comment!
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