Google Forms - Are they anonymous?

I LOVE Google Forms.  There are so many great uses for teachers and students in the classroom.

Some of my favorites are:

More resources:

Are They Anonymous???

Since we've "Gone Google" in the district, several people have wondered about the anonymity of the forms.  I've played around with it and here's what I've discovered.

When a form is created using our district Google accounts, there are 2 options at the top:  Require GCISD login to view the form and Automatically collect respondents GCISD username.

If only the "Require GCISD login to view the form is checked, you'll be required to login to your GCISD account but your username will NOT be collected.

Here's what the form looks like for the person filling it out:

And here's what the response spreadsheet looks like for the person who created the form:

If the "Automatically collect respondents GCISD username" box is also checked, your username will be collected but you WILL know it.  If your username is being collected, there will be a message at the top of the form telling you.

Here's what the same form looks like for the person filling it out when this box is checked:

Here's what the response spreadsheet looks like now for the person who created the form:

Want to learn more about Google Forms and how to use them in your classroom?  Check out this blog post:


  1. the images are not visible, retard

  2. A cyber criminal used Google form to get my vital information to unauthorizedly transact huge amount from my savings bank account through upi on 27/09/19. In the beginning he told he had to refund some amount at my Google pay, but actually he was going to steal my vital information through Google form. How can he be identified? What action will you take against him so that he could never use Google sevices?
