QR Journal - QR Scanning on a Mac Computer

Looking for a way for students using Mac laptops to scan QR codes? QR Journal is a great free option.  

To install QR Journal:
1.  On a Mac, go to the Applications folder and choose App Store.  
2.  Do a search for QR Journal.  (or use this link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/qr-journal/id483820530?mt=12)
3.  "Buy" the app using your AppleID.

Once it’s installed, open the app from your Applications folder. You'll see a button that says “Scan”.  That opens a window that is using the laptop's built in webcam.  Hold the QR code in front of the camera and it will scan the code.  Super easy!

Tip: To make any Mac app easy to access, you can choose to keep it in the dock even when it's not open.  Just right-click on the app icon in the dock (when the app is open) and choose "Options" and "Keep in Dock".


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