Safari for iPad - Tips

Here are some basic tips to make using Safari with a classroom of students easier:

Bookmarks are essential when using websites with students (especially young ones!)  Rather than waiting for them to type in a long URL, turn on iCloud Safari syncing in the settings for your iPad class set so that you can add a bookmark to one student iPad in the set and all the others will see it too.  Go to Settings and iCloud.  Be sure that Safari is turned ON.   (Don't turn on iCloud syncing to the class set Apple ID on your teacher iPad.  Any bookmarks you set would show up on all the student devices as well.) 

Be aware that if a student bookmarks an inappropriate site, it will show up on all the iPads.  Be sure to teach proper digital citizenship and monitor iPad use.

Open tabs also sync through iCloud.  Click the cloud icon in Safari to view open tabs on all the devices currently syncing to the same class account.

Home Screen "Apps":
Use "Add to Home Screen" to create a bookmark to frequently used sites.  This will create an icon on any home screen that looks like an app.  Then students can just tap it and go!  Simply go to the desired URL in Safari.  Tap the "send to" icon (looks like a rectangle with an arrow) and choose "Add to Home Screen".  Give the bookmark a name and tap the blue ADD button.  An icon will be added to the home screen.

Saving Pictures to the Camera Roll:
To save a picture from Safari to use in another app or project, simply click and hold on the picture and choose "Save Image".  

Scrolling to Top:
To quickly get back to the top of a Safari webpage, just tap the status bar at the top of the screen (the very top... by the time display).


  • To zoom in to a webpage that uses column, double tap in the desired column and it will automatically zoom to fit that column on the screen.  Double tap again to zoom back out.
What are your favorite Safari tips?  Share in the comments below.


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